Bulger Veterinary Hospital

Ensuring the health and safety of your breeding female and her new litter – from insemination to birth, to nursing, and beyond – is at the root of all of the services provided by Bulger’s veterinary reproductive health team.
While natural insemination and birth are ideal, neither is always the norm; every animal and every pregnancy is unique. Consider working with a team of medical professionals trained and skilled in all aspects of your cat or dog’s reproductive health when the time comes to breed them for the first or even the last time.
What can I expect when I breed my female with the help of the Animal Reproductive Health team at Bulger?
Working with a veterinary team dedicated to the care of your breeding female, you can expect to receive tailored medical care every step of the way. Your pet’s next healthy litter is only a phone call away!
Full ER capabilities
Medical and surgical management of pyometra (canine and feline)
Pregnancy management (canine and feline)
During Breeding:
Soundness exams (canine and feline)
Ovulation timing in the canine
Complete semen analysis
Fresh, chilled, or frozen semen for canine artificial insemination
Medical and surgical management of dystocia (canine and feline)
Medical management of post-partum diseases in the bitch and queen
Medical management of the neonatal and pediatric care of the puppies and kittens
Post-whelping management of bitch/queen and new litter:
PennHIP or OFA radiographs for hip dysplasia
Laparoscopic ovariectomy/ovariohysterectomy (canine)
Veterinary Reproductive Health at Bulger
Bulger employs a team of highly-trained veterinarians who understand the complex nature of veterinary reproductive health. Please consult with us, and rest assured that your pets will be in great hands throughout the breeding process. For more detailed information about the theriogenology services we provide, check out the service lists below:
Breeding Soundness Exam
Breeding: Timing, Insemination & Infertility
Pregnancy Management
Post-Whelping Care
Whether you are an experienced breeder or overseeing a pregnancy and new litter for the first time, our comprehensive theriogenology services can help.
Planned Caesarian Section
Computed Tomography
Radiographs (X-Ray)